Conceptual Self Portraits

Conceptual means that there is an idea or concept behind what is being shown without being told exactly what the concept is.

As you can see, two of my photos have to do with sports. I absolutely adore sports! A few years back one of my friends asked me to try out volleyball so I could do it with her. As soon as I stepped onto the court I could tell I was going to love the sport. I have only been playing for about three and a half years now, but it is one thing I know that I always want to be doing. It’s something I love doing with my friend, family, teammates, and anybody that is willing to play with me. I hope to be able to share my love for this sport with my future family as I hope that I can continue to do volleyball in my future.The concept of falling for the ball and having to get right back up because you don’t know if it will come back to you is just like how in life we can fail and fall, but we have to get back up and keep going. Then the other sport is a less known sport, and it is discus. It is a part of track, just instead of running, I throw. I throw both shot-put and discus, but discus is my favorite of the two. Sometimes in life we feel trapped, like we are in a box, cage, or net. Well in discus, you are surrounded by a net, but as you throw the flying disc and watch it soar, it feels like you are being released with it. It feels like you can just fly away and soar.

The other two photos also mean so much to me. Even though I hate being in pictures, I have found a love for taking the pictures. Being able to take something that others sees as simple and turn it into something that is beautiful has taught me to find beauty in everything and everyone. It has taught me to be less judgmental, and to treat people with more care and kindness because everyone and everything is beautiful. My favorite picture is the one of my little sister with me. My family was recently quarantined and I wasn’t allowed to see my little sister. So we did a family night outside her bedroom window so that we could all see one another’s faces for just a few minutes. My family has always been so important to me, but as I couldn’t see some of them, they became an even bigger priority to me. I’ve realized that even when I’m going through something hard, I will always have them to fall back on, and they will always have me too.


9 Replies to “Conceptual Self Portraits”

  1. Volleyball
    I like how you have that top view point, the R really pops agents the floor I also like how you have the corners darkened it really focuses on the net.

  2. I like your picture of the camera because of the angle and viewpoint the photo was taken at.

  3. I love the picture you got of the court! The angle you got of the net as well as getting the symbol of you who play for is awesome! I also like how you darkened the edges of the picture to emphasize the R and the net.

  4. I really like the volleyball picture because it says a lot about who you are. It is also just a really cool picture how the net is close and blurry and the court is what you’re focused on.

  5. Volleyball court:

    I absolutely love that you took this photo from a different perspective. I also like the vignette around the border, it makes it look more dramatic and significant.

  6. Tbh, this photo scared me at first -we both know why. But I like the black and white and I think the photo was made better because of it.

  7. autumnquillen says: Reply

    Out of all of your pictures, the volleyball net one was my favorite. I like the angle that you took a picture of the net and the perspective on it.

  8. I really liked how you isolated the subject and how the colors contrast.

  9. I love the volleyball net. It’s a really cool angle how you can see the black netting on it even though it’s not straight on.

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